
Hot Yoga is extremely beneficial for athletes offering an intense approach to conditioning the body while sustaining techniques to resist sports injuries as well as providing training for rehabilitation.
Hot Yoga focuses on relaxed breathing, increased core strength and flexibility, range of motion, stamina, improved balance and an edge in their sport!

To provide you with the utmost personal attention to help assist you in reaching your highest potential.
By incorporating a self-challenging invigorating Hot Yoga practice of:
This will help create a:

Engage in this dynamic activity and learn how to use Hot Yoga to earn that “extra edge” of:

This “extra edge” will allow you to easily reach that last stride to the goal post/finish line providing bold confidence in all competitive sports.

HOT POWER YOGA is different from most typical forms of Yoga. It is a dynamic form of exercise that sculpts, hones and tones every muscle in the body.
It embodies strength, flexibility, stabilization, stamina, cardio, and mind power all in one session. It builds functional intrinsic strength, slowing you to move through motions with more ease, more agility, more power, more grace!
It helps you keep more in tune with your body.
The breath is the key to unlocking the body’s potential. Maintaining steady, rhythmic breathing is the “single most important element” of Yoga practice. The breath is what links the mind to the body, and the body to the present moment. Elite athlete benefit from this in many ways, a few of which include:
1/Focus: Focus is a component of Power. Power can be defined as a strong focused mind. When focused, the athlete stays connected with the breath and present moment.
2/Breath: Breath is pure raw energy that carries life force to each and every molecule in the body. By incorporating yoga and yogic breathing exercises, the lungs will gradually open up and expand, creating more lung capacity which will allow more oxygen in to fuel and fire up the body by igniting depleted cells in the muscles. This gives elite athlete the extra edge on there opponent.
3/Flexibility: By creating more flexibility, the body becomes more pliable which lessons the amount and extent of injuries incurred. This then allows the athlete as an individual, and the team as a whole to endure and extended, more successful season. In cases of rehabilitation, the athlete is able to continue to keep the rest of the body in top condition, allowing for a quicker, healthier return.
4/Heat: When able to incorporate heat into the practice, the muscles and joints loose, which decreases resistance to movement. Motion creates heat from the inside out; a heated room provides heat from the outside in. This assists the body to move deeper into a pose, with less chances of injury.
In addition to this, heat acts as extended cardiovascular conditioning. Heat stimulates the white blood cell production; boosting the immune system, promoting relaxation and an increase in the healing of connective tissue injuries.
Overall, the body’s response to heat strengthens, detoxifies and heals the body.
There are many multi-level benefits that come along with doing Hot Yoga, that are different from each other and every individual, however, the same for all is the more you do it the more powerful and in tune with your body you will become.
hatha Hot (all levels)
Hatha Hot is a hatha based series of healing postures designed to systematically heal the body from the inside out. It will strengthen, lengthen, hone, tone, and restore each and every muscle, tendon, ligament, joint of the body. Working to naturally heal and balance the cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, and nervous, systems of the body. It will rid toxins and melt away excess weight. This is not only imperative for professional athletes, but for any body type as a whole!
power hot (all levels)
Power Hot is done in the Baron Baptiste Power Vinyasa Flow tradition (the world’s fastest growing style). It is a flow that has many different levels, allowing beginners, intermediate and advanced students to be challenged all in the same class. The practice is a combination of different traditions of yoga! Not only does it strengthen, lengthen, tone, and hone each and every muscle, joint, tendon, and ligament of the body, it also focuses deeply on hip opening. The body holds a majority of its physical and emotional tension in the hips. As we open this area, people find lower back and knee problems will dissipate immensely. So get ready to challenge your body, ignite your spirit, and torch some calories!
ashtanga hot (all levels)
Ashtanga Hot is a powerful ancient traditional sequence similar to the power hot style. This class will follow the traditional sequencing of the "primary series" of the Ashtanga series. Synchronizing the breath with movement heats the blood, cleaning and thinning it so that it may circulate more freely to cleanse the body and rid the toxins and excess weight. Through the use of vinyasa, the mind and body becomes healthy, light, and strong. Come and challenge and experience your mind and body in a new light!
alternate hatha hot
Alternate Hatha Hot is our Hatha Hot series, with a twist to spice things up a bit! We use the same strength building postures in an alternate sequence to challenge and work the muscles in a different way!
alternate power hot
Alternate Power Hot is our Power Hot with a kick! Time to go deeper! Learn to explore and challenge your spirit! Get to know yourself on a new level! How fun! We may hold random postures for extended periods of time, incorporate advanced postures, taking your practice beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary! Come with an open mind and be ready to sweat!